Doctor Welcome to Kido resume! (International Medical Cooperation)

Doctor Welcome to Kido resume! (International Medical Cooperation)

Doctor Welcome to Kido resume! (International Medical Cooperation) Clash of Civilizations Japanese, with respect to this and religion probably has the most generous heart in the world (that irresponsible?) I think in people. Christians, but people who go every week is now reduced to Nowadays church, also to the monotheistic idea is when faced with still difficult situation. By Muslim countries, the severity of the precepts is quite different, generally further monotheistic religious than Christianity, specifically, it is much severe precepts. Saudi Arabia In terms of the precepts of Islam, is one of the pretty tough country. The time of Muslim prayer has been decided on time, the broadcasting of the chanting of the Koran will flow in a large sound to the city from early morning. In addition, including the foreign non-Muslim, drinking in the country is strictly prohibited. Now, a large amount of the US military during the Gulf crisis was stationed in Saudi Arabia. This is when the religious point of view, heathen army that Christianity is a large amount to Islamic holy places (Mecca is located in Saudi Arabia.